Pour aujourd'hui, nous avons Scalrpoie !

Comme celle-ci n'a peur de rien, je me suis dis que ce serait une bonne idée de la mettre dans une sorte de maison hantée.

Scalproie -

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Donc heuuu.... OUI ! LES MOEMONS, du coup.

Voici Brindibou, vwala vwala.

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J'ai eu le temps de faire ce p'tit dessin de avant le début d'Inktober xd

Gardevoir & Kirlia - Moemon

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was asked to draw the moemon espeon so :3

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It's been a rough couple streams.. lots of our little friends have gone to nap time. Tonight we ensure it wasn't in vain. More Moemon Nuzlocke tonight at 7:30 PST https://t.co/yXCNaboCy8

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I did a color revamp of Moemon's Rayquaza.

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LIVE NOW https://t.co/vK0A7gmMVo playing Pokemon Mega MoeMon FireRed!
Wearing my new glasses on stream xxx
Come say hi and stop me from melting in this heat!
My community is lovely, we welcome new people!

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today's madness

the one is off somehow but im too tired to care rn so :punch: :wave: :weary:

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rewatching Jaltoid play is a spiritual experience i forgot about

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Also, you said the moemon starmine looked like a yugioh protagonist. ....you weren't wrong :P

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L'inspiration m'a frappé dur avec cette image...

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Finished skitty! Moemon is really fun to draw. That concludes the stream. <3

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Another of my favorite pokemon in moemon style~ Milotic💜✨

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Was playing moemon (^: I had to see what one of my faves looked like.

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Je joue à Pokemon Rouge Feu avec un patch qui s'appelle Moemon!
Et c'est mon Magicarpe Cupcake! Elle évoluera bientôt j'en suis sûre! Mais pour le moment j'ai fais un petit dessin d'elle <3

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I haven't drawn in a bit and i've been playing moemon randomizer. So i tried to draw jolteon. I think it came out pretty well.

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when did Tekken move to Moemon

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