Morten Morland on – political cartoon gallery in London

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Вернулись получить вторую дозу, господин Навальный?
(рисунок от Morten Morland)

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Morten Morland on Covid vaccination priorities - - political cartoon gallery in London

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arrives at the at the start of his new administration. Unfortunately in the is still on the rampage

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Morten Morland on – political cartoon gallery in London

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Here's an image with a similar color scheme from George Morland: A Country Inn, 1784

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This week’s ⁦:// thesundaytimes⁩ cartoon.

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Moreten Morland’s Sunday Times cartoon.

An oven ready deal.

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Cuando pintamos el mural en el Palacio de los Morlanes, dejamos 6 espacios en blanco para colgar 6 figuras. Estas figuras presentan un mismo patrón con la intención de que seas tú el que las mueva y coloque a tu gusto, de alguna manera así participas en la intervención.

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Non c'è certamente verità nella credenza popolare, che la volontà di un uomo sia lo specchio del suo carattere.
- Plinio il Giovane

Shepherd in a Snowy Landscape
George Morland

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The Amulet by A. R. Morlan.

Cover art by Stephanie Gerber.

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