tap tap abyssrium spring event creature designs are so good

67 348

many people have suggested I think about enamel pins of these creatures... that could be quite fun! lots of new things to consider...

85 399

hey sega, if you are not ever going to use this little baby egg then can I have him

213 683

marsupial lugia and joey

381 1108

megaman classic's design aesthetics...good

108 433

Extremely short-tempered beetle just wants to be left alone, yet is constantly pulled into world-shattering conflicts because villains accidentally inconvenience him in a comical way (ex: war column tramples his flowers)

55 270

game night (every night)

148 472

The Sorcerer looks a little scary, but they're actually pretty nice

100 369

It's soothing to make things like this, almost like color-by-numbers.

90 344