(Look, you were told not to spread negativity, but you kept doing so anyway. You kept trashing on the other shows and their fans on those Which YGO is Better / Which Protag is Best tweets. And guy in the 4th image, I've been seeing your toxic behavior since ARC-V era.)

0 10

Let’s run it back. Here’s one of my favorite designs from the classic I drew after playing the new game a few weeks back.

Yes it’s a repost, but I’m trying to push out the negativity.

Commissions are available.

13 37

who also liked it but of course found none .

Although, I am glad that the people behind the mod are finally getting some peace and break from all the drama and negativity
It takes time but I hope they recover from all of this

bon.. amma go back to my break now
stay awesome !

6 26

I'm so tired of all the negativity lately...

0 1

Cardano NFT twitter needs more Furble vibes, and less negativity. We‘re all in this together ❤️

Don‘t forget to share those Furbles wherever you go 🎨

22 96

The first time we see Seth meet his mother was early on. He put one quite a show and didn't seem to care. Yet later we see through Sekhmet, who thrives on negativity, that she knows Seth feels sad and isolated when he sees his mother's tears. He misses his family and that +

4 132

every time i walk outside i feel the magnetic pull of my tongue seeking out this man’s dick and balls like two fluorine atoms on the electronegativity scale /c

0 4

Rabilope (Big Cony):
Nega Boss who resides within Alicia's heart. All of her pent up negativity was violently expelled, revealing a dangerous robotic rabbit-like being.

26 65

Yesterday I saw a lot of sadness, negativity, scandals and a sense of defeat in my feed. It's okay... market conditions, NFT hype and projects are in a transition phase.

Remember to stick to your friends, they'll give you the strength to continue working and shaping the future.

6 68

Meet Sumire! A personal project about a young girl who trains to become an 'ink master' by learning to embrace her own unique voice and style, while controlling her inner demons that feeds off of fear, negativity and self-doubt. More to come!

19 185

This moment's super interesting, because generally, what reason does Super have to kill Sonic? I've wanted like to think of SS as being Sonic's darkest feelings and emotions being manifested, where all his negativity and anger is personified into this evil counterpart

0 7

GN fam❤️

Never let the darkness or negativity outside affect your inner self. Just wait until morning comes and the bright light will drown out the darkness. Today has been difficult, but tomorrow will be another day.

11 35

Everyday I'm amazed by how good and kind people are.
Don't let negativity drag you down 💜

10 59

Hewo Ash is in da haus! I am a Grim Reaper from the Moon! 🌙

I take souls of the broken and sorrow, extracting all the negativity within and making sure its all good now and safe.

Other than that I bring comfort to people! Warm hugs and kisses too! ☺️💜

0 1

Despite all the controversy and negativity and obviously horrible and unacceptable shit Revie did, EXE is honestly pretty cool. https://t.co/h0u4Yx2W64

3 11

I'm not the best at articulating my thoughts but I am seeing so much hate and negativity regarding pride that I wanted to voice that you are always welcome and safe in my community.

4 154

People keep telling us how great the vibe is in our Discord. It genuinely feels like an escape from the bear market and an escape from the negativity.

This week will be a week of huge announcements; collabs included.

If you haven't joined the Discord, you probably should.

108 181

MAN! There is a LOT of negativity on the internets today...Here are some Unicorns! :)

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Some cuteness to clean everyone’s timeline of negativity.

18 45

Not wanting to overload myself with the negativity of what’s happening in the world right now
Not that it isn’t important, I can only take so much frustration

So I drew what outfit I wore when I went to Anime Ohio 2022!
I had so much fun there AND I GOT TO MEET JOHNNY BOSCH

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