🎉 This marvelous abstract expressionist piece by is now part of the Rey collection !!🎉


Congrats man! Thank you for your friendship.🙏🙏

6 26

Woah no crop huh?
well let me try pimpin a bit my last work then!
"The Magician" , it s about love, magic and resilience. I got inspired by a verse of Khalil Gibran

8 18

Every card tries to evocate the actual meaning of its name. So you can use them as actual tarot deck if you want!✨

1 10

Pic Asos are an abstract hand drawn creation by long time Artist R.Zuurveld. We love these little strange faces.

10 36

"WIND" - This was illustrated the old fashioned way, using coloured pencils. 0.4 Ξ. RT/like/buy!


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