First up for the challenge I picked Sasha Imi and her pet cat Wasabi by , who I believe has such a super cool design. I'm a big fan of character designs that convey the concept of an object, in this instance a living piece of sushi.

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The works & the artworks, the objects & the subjects, the play & the lay, the stage & the gutter. Who on earth were the larrygonians? Bring a word, bring an object, bring your own punctuation mark, 6pm Thur 12 July, with Jenny Papasotiriou

2 4

Okay , with Mario Odessy you guys made a pretty good game. Now, if you guys decide to make another game that involves someone possessing another animal or object, I have just the person.

0 1

"I see art in everyday life, in the design of an object, in a package, in a shoe or even in a plate of food." - Camila Pinheiro

1 0

In Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix, whenever Mario is holding an object, his hands become rather deformed. (The model is seen here in the correct pose, but without an object, using a game-internal debug feature.)

74 407

Science: You know. If you were a celestial object, your axial tilt as you rotate would indicate--
Art: shhh Just dance with me a little.

33 116

I never realized how much better NiDL's sprites would look with Mass Attack-esque shading. The black outlines end up clashing with a lot of NiDL's non-character (object, tiles, etc.) sprites because everything else uses colored outlines.

12 53

bpy.types.Object.foobar = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=bpy.types.Image)
layout.prop(context.object, 'foobar', text='')

0 1

My ‘Self-care medicine cabinet’. If we thought of self-care as a tangible object, would we take it more seriously?

0 1

three things to note

1: my brother got married today!!!!

2: he got me a really generous groomsman gift

3: this object, however, is cursed

0 10

'I would photograph an idea rather than an object, a dream rather than an idea'

Man Ray

Meret Oppenheim, by Man Ray, 1933

134 234

Open your heart towards everything around you: a person, an object, an idea 💚 "Transplantation"

2 2

Blade-ify an Object,
And you could win 2,500 K-Ching!

4 12

Put a blade on an object,
And you could win 2,500 K-Ching! 💰

3 15

Happy and/or tormenting remembrance of an object, a gesture, a scene, linked to the loved

1 2

Select an object, then hit Shift + F or the F key twice to lock the camera into following the target.

57 161

Illustration for a cover of a classwork about disassembling an object,I chose Steampunk glasses

3 25

When magnetic ferrofluid comes in contact with a magnetic object, it becomes a moving scul…

1 2

"The record is interesting as an object, because it can be a sculpture." -Christian Marclay

161 165