I like onchain CC0 pixelart NFTs 👍

4 18

Finally minted my 3 from !!!🤩😄🔥🔥🔥

After several delays due to high gas, I am very very happy to get these awesome and first of its kind loot box in Web3!!😁

This is just a beginning of an awesome journey in the world of Onchain!! LFG!!!🚀🚀🚀🔥

15 61

My Dude!
That’s insane 🤩
That’s the stash of dreams!
Sadly I don’t have a fire box 🔥 📦
But I’m adding boxes and birds where possible. 🦉


0 10

All set with my & nested . Fully is the future. Assets are born & live completely on-chain. Looking forward to what else & team have up their sleeve.
Can't wait to see the inside these boxes!

19 46

boxes are minting

have created containing as yet unrevealed

What is inside the box? The box art itself is dope. Public minting of boxes going on now at https://t.co/XdyedUMHW3

9 22

Just minted a Level 6 box fully deployed, created, stored

One of the best new on chain projects going.

20 49

Outstanding, Gentlemen!
You guys are killing it!

/ are going to be the gold standard of Can’t wait for reveal 🔥

Alchemy Box Mint Page 👇🏼

5 19


drop is UBER exciting! Who got the Earth and 🔥 boxes? 📦
Now is a good time to pick up for the future collection drops. But right now, we want to see what’s in our boxes 📦👀


10 22

Secured my two boxes.. 🎁 must resist the urge to open and upgrade them in time… 🔥

8 36

To open or not to open the

My 8 nested yielded a choice of advanced

I got 1/300 earth boxes + 3 soul boxes I can upgrade through continued nesting of my birds.

Will ’s mysteries burn a whole in my wallet? Hbu anon? https://t.co/Hjl1h7Xqrd

20 39

Gm Citizens of Web3 !

Claimed my 5x Soul Boxes for holding and nesting ⛓🦉! This is the first step to join the cult. Then we will have our opening ceremony ! THESE BOXES ARE STORED ONCHAIN ! First of its kind Ethereum Loot Box 📦

Are you in ?👁 https://t.co/UECyl1O5bV

2 6

Just claimed my on-chain animated
looking forward to see where this goes from here👀

p.s. Tier 6 Alchemy Box mint on 11/10 @ 3:00 PM ET🤫


16 33

The artwork & animation on these are amazing!! 🔥📦

Can’t wait to open.. or not… 👁

Earth-Fire-Spirit-Soul 📦


10 32

Woohoo got my firebox from
These will be epic
Claimed 📦 🔥 🪨

8 23

Had to scoop because these are getting cleaned up 👀 epic work

Didn’t actually realize these were animated too!

11 33

Just claimed my Fire Box from for having my 3 birds nested 🦉📦

Now.. To open? Or Not open? 👁

9 31

I have claimed my on-chain boxes and looking forward to whats to come BRACE YOURSELVES its only just begun.

12 30

Turn on your notifications!👁 We’ll give you 1h notice before the claim opens on discord and twitter (due to the current gas). More details on time estimates on discord. Until then you still have time to nest and spread the word📦🦉

60 118

Almost 92% of the collection is nested and in anticipation of the ! Approximately 5hours left until claim.


Will you join the cult ? 👁

20 56