It's that moment you've always dreamed of... your chance to delcare your own public holiday.

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I've undertaken the task of learning to create characters in Adobe Illustrator. When I was in art school, only the government spies had computers. lol I made this goldfish on day 3 of my journey.

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"Believe me, nothing is trivial." – Eric Draven, The Crow

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I rest for a while, and then, I garden. If I need to learn something new [like Adobe Illustrator}, I work on that. When I get back into a work mode [doing something else], I can get back on track.

Images: Jacki Kellum Illustrations

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Tonight we have some new prompt cards to get in the summer mood, courtesy of talented illustrator, . 😎🌞⛱️🌊🏖️🦀🍔🌭🍟📚

Be sure to give her a follow, and comment below and show her some love!

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This mentor is very active in the community and has had a very busy 2019 with 3⃣ picture book debuts! 📚Give it up for... 🥁🥁🥁

!!! 🥳🎉🎊

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I avoid rhyme at all costs since that's the only advice I've ever heard, but now I'm reading and taking it all in. So much insight!

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Lady Pancake & Sir French Toast was a slush pile submission to ( - who's no longer there, dug it out).

Sterling currently still has open submissions:

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Credit for this question goes to and .

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Today's MENTOR REVEAL is an active member & is on picture book 🔥🔥🔥 !!! Give it up for...


!!! Welcome, to the 2019 Mentorship lineup!!! 🥳🎉🎊🦈🌌🚀

Stay tuned for a special interview/givewaway w/ Lindsay going live later today. 📘✍️

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Answer to question last night: "What is Your Philosophy?"

No Regrets about Time that I Seem to Have Wasted on Paintings and Stories that Don't Sell. The Experience Creating a Thing Is Its Own Reward!

Image - Sad, Sad Pig - Jacki Kellum Watercolor Study

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If I had a Talk Show, My First Three Guests Would Be Peter Rabit, The Velveteen Rabbit, and Max, who wore the Wolf Suit. To answer the Bonus Question--The topic of the talk show would be: "What exactly made me impossible to forget? Why will I live forever?"

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I'll be honest, tonight I've been reading a lot more than participating! Usually my PBs are on the short end (<300 words), but after recently penning some ~800 word doozies, I've been taking notes.

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That is a real problem. At a request, I did a rewrite from rhyme to non-rhyme, and the results were tragic.

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Oh man, this is great question! Thanks for asking it, .

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