I can't believe it's 9:00 already! Please keep chatting, I won't archive the chat until later today. I'll tag you in the post when I'm done. Y'all inspire me to be better. Thank you!

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Just so you don't stress about getting all our book titles down today, I will archive the chat so you can go back and see all the suggestions. :)

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Tomorrow morning on let’s start the new year chatting about books! Hope you will join us!
8:30-9:00 AM EST

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So glad y'all came! We'll see you next Saturday.

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2019 reflections! What went well? What do you want to change?

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Good morning ! Kimberly, Elementary Reading specialist from north TX ready to chat on this peaceful Saturday morning!

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Welcome to Today we'll chat about Blogging! How we stay motivated, where we get our ideas, or why we haven't started yet. Please introduce yourself and tell us where you're chatting from.

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and I hope you'll join us tomorrow morning to chat about Blogging! See you tomorrow from 8:30-9:00 am EST.

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What are your goals? Are any of them goals that you want to complete before the end of the year? We have time!

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I am grateful for and for helping grow this chat! I am grateful to all the participants who continue to support and engage every week.

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