MY COMISSION FROM BUTCH HARTMAN 😱😱😱 i got otos cuz he is my ?! luv it 😘

17 94

art fight attack on my girlfriend but its all ocs- they dont have a twitter but her insta is Cloudys_Artpalace

1 9

// South Park

Idk why some times yambo eyes remind me to south park

16 65

repost cause last one flopped SO hard. anyways bandu! still on the fence about him being blonde-

1 6

Feel free to add ur own top and bottom text i love yambo sm

20 73

Somethin i decided to spend a really long time on for literally no reason LMFAO listen i like the Bamibo x Bandu ship, leave me be, i dont care for ship wars im just vibin

17 47

i made the sketch as a half-joke at first but then i started to fucking like it when i began to color and render it all in hi,,, take an uh. mdm wedsen
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