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I'm back as the voice of our favorite ecstatic, erratic fight commentator, Heimdall in the English dub of Season 2, now streaming on !

Thanks , SDI, Netflix, and !!

27 423

Which game are you playing?🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊

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Praticando pintura pra aperfeiçoar esse estilo estilizado. Amanha tento fazer outro treino

0 19

I get that too sometimes
What happens in America can ripple through the rest of the democratic countries

Naturally their closest neighbor should be concerned, very concerned when US democracy is under attack

4 21

ok so the fuck around and find out graph is pretty real but hey atleast from the time this took, i know what to tackle first and not fumble around for god knows how long

this pratice session turned out pretty neat tho

1 22

Hijo de Lingxin

no tiene el apellido Liao legalmente por razones que explicare en un ratico jiji

Lingxin le hizo los brazos que tiene y un guardian [que es a quien golpea]

8 15

No les puedo explicar lo hermoso que se ve de . Nos vemos a las 20:30 en Twitch para darle un ratico más.


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I've made two more custome Fire Emblem Heroes sprites:
Dorothea: Operatic Storyteller
Edelgard: Exchange of Vows

17 69


ainda to praticando e n consigo melhorar vo cometer suic-

20 128

So if you need a laugh PDX watch last nights and lamenting that antifa is back and oh we’re part of the Democratic party oh and paid .. Anyone know when my check is coming ?? Good god

8 16

I'm very excited to play this game.😎😎😎

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praticando outros tipos de pintura, gostei mais do resultado do que esperava.
obs.: ficaram todos tortinhos, a minha coordenação motora tá uma porcaria, acho que é devido a idade rs

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🌜Draw this again.
FB remind me this old drawing of 5 years ago, so i wanted to make some pratices with a new brush :3 and this is the result.

4 32

What is the English version of Morridow's name?
In the Japanese version, Narciss calls her "Onee-sama (Sis-sama)" which is an aristocratic paraphrase of "older sister" and Gray calls her "Sensei (teacher)"

64 258

É eu to namorando agora praticamente, bem legal

6 39

meu pai perguntou pq eu não uso um programa mais profissional pra desenhar, então eu tô pela 1000° vez tentando mudar do SAI 2.0 pro CSP.
vou ter mais paciência com o programa e tentar configurar meu pincel melhor, desenhei o pra praticar um pouco com o pincel padrão.

5 88

(another) friend gift. Bloodborne parody.

"Upon my Hippocratic oath, if they're yet human...send them straight to Athena's clinic. You can assure them there's no place safer..."

26 61

Caught up with The Witch and the Beast~

A dark & explosive manga centered around sexy, sassy characters both good & evil working within a magical system that is as democratic as it is corrupt. Steampunk meets historical fiction coupled with amazing art - truly a winner!


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