My Pennywise fan art painting..
Medium; Gouache paint, acrylic paint, ink and digital enhancement (shading and colour altering.)

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Mashing up Spidey, Sam Spade & the Shadow, this pulp-era alternate universe tale swings in with guns blazing, super-cool chiaroscuro art, and fast-talking 1930s movie patter. Love it!



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height chart for the claroscuro beans (demo, that is~) i made for an ask 🪓📔

also amarant got a tiiiny redesign! so fluffeh now~ 🌺🌺🌺

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also some added chiaroscuro doodles for the dance event bc i'm extra 😔

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The second room includes prints by his earliest and most skilled interpreters: Marcantonio Raimondi, Agostino Veneziano, Marco Dente, and Ugo da Carpi.

[Ugo da Carpi after Raphael, "David Slaying Goliath," c. 1520, chiaroscuro woodcut]

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🖌️El ambiente misterioso y exótico de sus pinturas, lo logra mediante la técnica del claroscuro y una paleta compuesta por tonalidades rojizas, ocres y doradas, pasando por los verdes y azules oscuros de los escenarios naturales.

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Gerrit Dou, one of the most iconic painters of the Golden Age, died 1675. A student of Rembrandt's, he became known for his nocturnal settings with strong chiaroscuro.

The Quack Doctor, 1652 (#Dou leaning on the window), The Physician, The Silver Ewer

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Controvertida y oscura, esquiva y enigmática, la figura del filósofo, que sigue encabezando el panteón de la cultura occidental 2.500 años después, plantea varios claroscuros que el profesor Armand D’Angour desentraña en ‘Sócrates enamorado’. .

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… to experiment with printmaking His important portraits led trend in Italy to the three-quarters or full-length figure previously reserved for royalty Parmigianino was also an early Italian a technique pioneered in Italy & also designed chiaroscuro

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in the genre of chiaroscuro dudes flipping out

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Looking back at 2019: this year the Foundation Book Award was presented to Naoko Takahatake for her ‘The Chiaroscuro Woodcut in Renaissance Italy’, pictured below.

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princess tutu - chiaroscuro

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I donated a piece of artwork to Help Our Wounded Royal Marines and Supporting Arms and you can bid for it via their charity Facebook Page.

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Roscuroe cover redesign again but for the iBooks version (coming eventually)

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I have been working hard on studies for a while now. Here are my first attempts at putting what I learned into practice. More to follow ^_^


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