Day 8: Raven
It's been a busy week, I'm falling behind on this challenge not even a week in, and I'm a little stressed, so I deserve a Miku in a cute outfit

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HEY, twitter I need an opinion, I'm sorting through my designs and organizing stuff (I organize and plan when I'm stressed, wild right?) but which one of these would make an easy/cute fursuit?

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january me vs september me

just as stressed, but in different ways.

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January >> September

from a little stressed to very stressed, but at least outdoor at work😩

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January kitty vs September kitty! Moved back to the US from Ireland, lived with my parents for months, adopted a cat, am still single, even more stressed, haven’t dyed my hair and also cut most of it off

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Jan vs Sep

From stressed, confused and insecure dumbass to Vibing gayer than ever dumbass

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Had to check what was going on in
very tired and stressed, blanketburrito at every chance
quit a job, changed projects, made time for hobbies and friends (still tired and stressed but happier)

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January vs September. A little tired, a little stressed, but honestly, I feel like I’m in a better place. This year has been the worst, but I’ve really pushed to make the best out of it and things are really looking up!

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January vs September
boy I was in a really bad place like.. stressed, depressed, with very little will to wake up every day while worrying if id end up homeless

Now?? I'm doing my best with my therapist and always thinking about msby and their cute fucking victory paw gesture

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January vs September

Overworked and stressed, pretty miserable, but doing my best; in a hell hole of a pandemic but starting to try and come out of the misery and that's good! Blanket wrap 24/7 beginning soon tho

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January: Hair was RED, on meds and doing pretty alright, cautiously optimistic.

September: Just kind of tired/stressed, off meds, mental health kinda fluctuating with some realizations, in a relationship with a wonderful babe though and I've had time to explore a new artstyle

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january: stressed, too depressed to get dressed
now: still a little depressed but working through it and teaching kids art 🥰

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Hi I’m stressed, overworked and exhausted please take this quick salsa Keith I drew on my dinner break 🌽

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Jan 2020: Stressed, depressed and jobless, struggling to make ends meet, fighting with my partner

September 2020: Stable job in my career of choice, happy with myself and healthy, working through my problems and progressing quickly with my art <33

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When stressed, draw scourge!Ardyn

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when stressed, sketch a demon

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"You seem stressed, let me help you loosen a little bit..."

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Howdy, I recently learned that farms mc potates when stressed, so here is some fanart :)

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Day 13:

Sam's prob had the most drastic change over a timeskip in their storyline! They started out as a skinny, overly stressed, secretary and became a tubby, battle-ready, medic. Plus there was an Au where they were a potato beetle...

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School stuff got me stressed, So i drew the pretty fairy lady, Betilla!

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