please support our page in Opensea. We just release our first NFT entitled,
The Misled Crusade, the image based on Terrorism

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In my opinion, terrorism has as its main cause the despair caused by unfair policies
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find my tokenized works exclusively here

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logo is about Chris'character:he was very dark place emotionally 'cause of Jill's death and the endless war against bioterrorism.
The light on logo represents Chris' hope to find Jill and stop bioterrorism

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He was the hero of ‘Hotel Rwanda.’ Now he’s accused of terrorism. Illustration for , with the great guidance of

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star committed genocide, assault and battery, and terrorism.

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JLA had a couple of good moves regarding the early war on terrorism/raging patriotism in america but then it kind of threw the baby out with the bathwater by introducing the League Of Super Fucking Racists

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Durante seu tempo como "Pulsar", Monica liderou uma equipe heroica conhecida como "Nextwvave", parte da agência de anti-terrorismo H.A.T.E. O alter-ego não durou muito tempo, e Rambeau escolheu assumir o nome de "Espectro", logo após retornar aos Vingadores

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Once prospering coastal fishing village,it was abandoned due to pollution following Terragrigia Panicand also because the locals became afraid of bioterrorism.

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G-virus is considered to be the ultimate perfect weapon,it name means Golgotha.Due to its volatile nature and unpredictable mutations,even the most abhorrent people are unwilling to use it in the acts of terrorism

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Holiday Sugarman embodies the phrase"Better to be a warrior in garden than gardener in a war''
A lover of literature,he helped lead revolt in small African nation,but he lost his wife and daughter to terrorists who used bio-weapons.He joined BSAA to combat bio-terrorism

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Ulfur Frostulfsson. Angryboy. Vigilante supervillain with a penchant for molotov cocktails, this overzealous psychic has no time for bullshit. His terrorism is journalism, and he's actually pretty chill if you get to know him. he has eyes everywhere. damien's ex.

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Lugansk- railgun platform.Designed in the previous century it was meant to be a one- deadly weapon ship. But the concept failed and now several of such ships decommissioned & used to destroy asteroids for mining

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Zaporyzhia Laser platform. Anti-ship lazer system was one of StrategicWeaponDesign programm (SWDP) for Alliance Navy. Zaporyzhia was an experimental capital ship size platform to test a laser

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Cherkasy minehunter craft. Often support mining operations to protect them from mines that could be installed by pirates and scavengers. But also could fight with other small ships.

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Mykolaiv cruise liner- luxurious capital ship designed for comfortable transfer throughout systems. Was built in the city of Mykolaiv- a city of shipyards.

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Uzhhorod small service bot. Often used on shipyards or carried by huge capital ships for in-space repair and stuff. Named after an ancient city in the Carpathian mountains.

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Ivano-Frankivsk orbital UAV has the same design as Vinnytsia, but another weaponry works in swarm formation. Named after Ivano-Frankivsk city administrative centre of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast - beautiful city

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Kropyvnytskiy - previous century mining collector, still very common in far regions of Frontier Sovereign States. Named after Kirovograd oblast capital city

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Next one is Rivne medium utility craft, named after Rivne oblast capital- my hometown)#scifi Spaceship designed for trans planet traffic, but some modifications allowed to install spaceworm hole generator

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