Last Tosha for a while...
It upsets me that I can't maintain a style of art for more than one drawing. It gives my art a lack of identity and each style looks like other artists' to me.

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Blackbean jalapeno lime ~ a delicious simple, oil free dip, spread, puree, side 💚
Let the weekend begin and the sun shine!!

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antosha, luna, and navi are all queer and proud! happy

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Pixel icon for Tosha Bu @ VK

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Toshabi, aka Toshabuns or ToshabiArt even got in on the Croc action, with a gatr design and a "Frog suit". Tosh also holds the distinct honor of designing the look of Croc's robofeet. So if you think the feel look dumb blame tosh, idk

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First poster for the Anton Yelchin documentary

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She name is "Femora Lutosha" !!

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三代目は梅くくり!:作品・シリーズ | 幻冬舎コミックス GENTOSHA COMICS

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luna and antosha! i'll be making these into charms and stickers for furdu!! 😲😍 im so excited to see these as merch!!

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Octosonic and octoshadow (retweets are appreciated) 💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤💙

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We spoke to Lotus's design director and CEO about their upcoming mega-EV:

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We’re looking forward to seeing more from on their Type 130 soon, following their news. In the meantime read more about the two companies’ technical collaboration:

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No he podido evitar acabar llorando con LOVE, ANTOSHA, una preciosa carta de amor al actor Anton Yelchin que falleció en Junio de 2016 a los 27 años. El documental explora su carrera y parte de su vida para hablarnos de como el cine acabó siendo para Yelchin un bote salvavidas.

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片恋のスピカ:刊行情報 | 幻冬舎コミックス GENTOSHA COMICS

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i drew itosha from ! the coolest dragon born princess,,,,, i love when she lolls her tongue around in her mouth like almost a smile. we are telling the lies now and we are enjoying them

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improvement meme thingy but with kitosha

2016 -> 2017 -> 2018 -> 2019

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capture the flag w octocat (ft. some closeups) 🍊✨

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