Seiyu Toshiko Fujita passed away due to cancer at the age 68. She acts for Taichi in Digimon Adventure, Big Mom in One Piece, Teacher Empress in Chihayafuru, Ikkyu-san, Kiteretsu and many. R.I.P.

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"You'll Be In My Heart" from "ターザン" by Marsa Sakamoto,Toshiko Fujita

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I haven't drawn Toshiko in a long time~♬

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"Enemy Lovers"
The definition of "it's complicated" xD These are Toshiko (right) and Cateye (left) two characters from s Story "Twentyseven". Fighting for the same goal but with very different methods.

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Let's get a little sappy with one of my all time favorite otp. These two are Toshiko (left) and Cateye (right), two character from 's story "Twentyseven" and they have a kinda.... "complicated" relationship. xD

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✨ダンサー 一人一人の存在&身体表現に魅了されました✨私も美術協力参加致します

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I really love 's portrait of Toshiko as a human so much~♡

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CAPSULE!!!!!(2016もしもし/CDJ ver.)

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Toshiko at the pier. ❤🐧❤

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Drop of Dreams by Toshiko Okanoue 

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PAPRIKA - Falling Into Place: Four Films by Feb 13-17. Poster by

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Drop of Dreams by Toshiko Okanoue 岡上淑子作品集

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【22日 E-195】【thatsmodernism】toshikoaimiのユニポスカアートと、ニジワークスデザインオフィスの猫のおもちゃやかつおぶしピアスを。共同で出します!来てね。#デザフェスRT祭

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Drop of Dreams by Toshiko Okanoue 岡上淑子作品集

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