Please do yourself a favor and read The Property of Hate.

2 7

I just had a wonderful Discord group chat, drawing up a funny story altogether!

21 79

Quick sketch of my reasons to smile. (from Mod's Halloween post)

2 2

the market scene stabbed my heart th a n k s

3 7

A commission piece I finished up a couple of days ago. This one was fun to draw. :)

12 70

in case you needed a snazzy TV guy on your dash

7 14

updated and my hand seems to want to cooperate with me again, so take this ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

23 57

Just had to smash out the quickest panel redraw for TPOH because aaahhh it made me so happy!!

0 1

im a sucker for some good ol fashioned angst

3 5


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