7月23日 トンクリ

July 23nd "Tonkuri"
He can easily make toys because his hands are dexterous.

3 24

7月22日 カゲマル

July 22nd "Kagemaru"
He is a ninja but will be discovered soon.

5 29

A new Tumurin sticker has been sold. The theme of this sticker is "Every day". There are Japanese and Chinese versions.

https://t.co/J0vFOtvZs3 (Japanese)日本語

https://t.co/q71FXJfp71 (Chinese)中国語

8 26

7月21日 ピノピオン

July 21st "Pinopion"
He continues to eat food all the time and gains weight.

2 28

7月20日 ゴマタン

July 20th "Gomatan"
He does evil to people because he admir to shadow group.

3 25

7月19日 シャオリン

July 19th "Xiaolin"
She loves pork bun. After eating it she kung fu for a diet.

3 28

7月18日 ヒュンドラ

July 18th "Hyundra"
His body is so soft that he can enter his little shell.

3 26

7月17日 ココ

July 17th "Coco"
She is very affectionate. And she is snuggling as close as possible to people.

4 32

7月16日 ジャック

July 16th "Jack"
He invades and spies from any small hole.

4 30

7月15日 ヒラリ

July 15th "Hirari"
She lives quietly on the sea floor. And she hates being mistaken for a cockroach.

5 28

7月14日 ブリュレ

July 14th "Brulee"
He approaches when he finds a deer cracker. At that time, if you anger him, you will be attacked with a big horn.

3 23

7月13日 ハンター

July 13th "Hunter"
His tail brow is very sharp, which makes it easy to cut large trees.

3 24

7月12日 ラン

July 12th "Ran"
It smells so beautiful from her flowers, it gives people a relaxing effect.

3 22

7月11日 ヌー

July 11th "Gnu"
He paints the sky with night colors with a mysterious brush.

4 26

7月10日 クラタン

July 10th "Kuratan"
He likes to tan on the beach but he often loses water and shrinks.

5 31

7月9日 ギンジ

July 9th "Ginji"
He tells how to fish a fish, but if catches a big fish he will steal it.

3 29

7月8日 モクラ

July 8th "Mokura"
If you can't sleep at night, you can get a deep sleep by listening to his singing voice.

2 28

7月7日 ミルキー

July 7th "Milky"
He does photosynthesis in the sun for plants that grow in his body.

3 30

7月6日 メガネ

July 6th "Megane"
His intelligence index is high and clever so he teaches people to study.

5 31

7月5日 アングライト

July 5th "Angrite"
He is always frustrated. So those who approach him will be punched with his proficiency boxing.

3 28