画質 高画質


1382 9117

淵下宮探索編⑭(1/3) VS詠唱者、再び!

302 2726

hi! aku lagi nyari kawanbabu buat jadi mutualku nih, i go by she/they, currently neuvi and wanderer main, legal age, love to coop dan daily bareng! my account is save for everyone but dni if u're under 16, homophobic, and racist. kazuscara enjoyer got free pass! kindly (cont..)

0 3

続きのようなティナリと放浪者 砂漠探索編   

1348 9333


◌ 。˚
.*・+ ◌ 。˚ ☆
   𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔!
          ◌ 。˚

627 3254


1642 13747

✨앵님(@ eang_125)✨
✨뺭님(@ Wanderer_Gi__)✨
과 함께 3인 합작 했습니다
모두 고생 많으셨어요~!

6 15


962 5372

Babu! Merry Christmas buat para tabibito semua~ art by sender wanderer cosplay jadi rusa santa 🦌🎅🎄

2 9

hai~ i’m looking for kawanbabu to be my mutuals. i go by she/her and wanderer main and ofc legal age, i’ll talk about other stuffs i’m interested to like anime & hsr. so if u don’t mind leave a trace and i’ll hit you up. homophobic and minor dni

0 4

CW // crossover seiyuu

Babu! Karena seiyuu JP wanderer lagi ultah, coba yg main genshin JP dub sebutin voiceline scara atau wanderer mana yg bikin candu bgt

161 1395

man these have been some of the nicest wanderer and aether expressions i've drawn in this entire year

2 57


647 6327


6978 51827


3299 26430