Overwhelmed with donations from artists for fund auction. Here's what some of Manchester's top street artists have given:

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"We will fight, for the right, to live in freedom." Paul McCartney

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Thinking about all those that have been affected by the Manchester Arena explosion 💛

3 6

Heart-breaking news and our thoughts go out to those affected - heart-warming to see the spirit of the city

8 22

Hope is stronger than fear. When we stand together, we are much stronger than those who incite fear.

221 344

Rest in peace Leggio & Mesh. Thank you for all your years of service with

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Violent entertainment is the 800 lb gorilla in the room noone wants to talk about...

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We remember the events and stand united against terrorism.

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Its a shame when people exploit tragedy and sadness...
Anyway, check this out!!

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