I'm Kaycee, and I'm feelin trans in this wendy's tonight! I'm a comic artist and animator, and it would kinda rule if you checked my stuff out! ⭐️
My film about being trans: https://t.co/Y4nLlWWo3M
My comic about a trans ghost: https://t.co/newGRympQR

85 206

Just a quick sketch to show my support!! proud af 💕💙

6 14

since today is here is a coagula (kate godwin) appreciation post, she was one of the first trans super heroines in the comic books and was part of the doom patrol during rachel pollack's run

13 39

hey I'm Tia. I stream viddy games at https://t.co/IHJoyxtfKr and I love my bby (they drew the couch pic, pls commission them)

5 15

happy im vi i make puppets and art and i luv my birds (they)

8 25

happy from your least favorite half bald whole stupid sleep- and gender-deprived computer idiot making bad art and tweets you love to hate

14 94

Happy Trans Day of Visibility y'all! I am Squid, a Trans Male student trying to get my degree in media arts and animation, but i do love doing toony character designs and fanart. i hope one day to make my own comic or cartoon!

2 5

hello!! i'm luka, a trans guy who loves drawing cartoons and funky weird stuff :D

9 23

oh hello its my name is kino and im a nonbinary transmasc artist! please buy my books! i love making art for people to enjoy 💕✨


47 186

hi i’m dominic (he/him) i luv bright colors and chillin on the floor

4 5

Happy !!! I'm Kris, I'm nonbinary, Indigenous, and i fockin love drawin ocs (They/He)

17 45

- Don't have a selfie but -

✨Hi! May name is Jax!✨

I'm a digital artist [Examples Below] - Roleplayer [Mostly for DnD/WoW related things] - Also Love me some games.
Feel free to chat with me sometime!

4 2

hi my name’s shelby, im an nonbinary artist and writer.

most of the characters in my story are nonbinary and trans, and working on NEOKOSMOS helped me figure out my identity👽

my art: https://t.co/Imh4PnEHy9
my novel: https://t.co/LlNFI0khaT

72 263

happy from ur local non-binary gal!! i'm cynthie and i play too much splatoon and draw too many furries
if u want to support me specifically and happen to like my art, ill be opening commissions shortly on 💖

10 27

The name yasuno! I am trans masculine/non-binary. Just hiking through life with a creative and musical vibe 🌱

3 13

Hi whats up I’m Graves. I’m a trans man and I draw stupid cartoon animals for fun. My other hobbies are not smiling in photos and decomposing.

60 262

Yeehaw hello. My names ita I'm a trans masc NB artist. I love monsters and spongebob memes!


9 33

happy please stan me im a gay artist and i love ocs yes gay gun manny is important to this post

21 29