[ ] didn’t expect to think about echo and scaramouche but here I am 😔

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Meet my genshin oc Xuan! pyro catalyst who’s half liyue half fontaine.

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I also want to be a part of it all... so here is my baby 🥺

brief info about her:

Name: Aiiro Hino
Rarity: ★★★★★
Gender: She\They
Element: Pyro
Weapon: Sword
Focus: DPS
Home Region: Liyue

3 15

pov: you’re having dinner with jinhe and he’s eating the utensils when you’re not looking ✨

11 28

*innocent whistling

- Akane Shinobu
- she/they
- Dendro vision
- originally from Inazuma

10 24

And suddenly the snow turned to rain

And I see that dream again

5 42

Being sad and drawing I think it's not such a bad idea

*I proceed to write a thousand hashtag again*

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[ genshinoc / genshinsona ]

May I offer you,,, more genshinsona content? >:] I’ll post her character info eventually (eventually) but,,,, here’s some stuff about her,,,, pls view her 😳😳😳👉👈

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The comments have spoken! I give you the 4 star Pyro Polearm character from Monstadt! Gerard!

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Why properly introduce my when I can just make low quality memes instead?

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