Got bored in math the other day and googled a dinosaur skull to try and draw. I think it came out pretty good. ✌️

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googled "men in suits" for reference and i was v pleased

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"To B, or not to B, that is the question..."

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i googled "Edward Elric glasses" and i found this old site that just has edits of screenshots from the 2003 anime

1 6 のロゴが更新されたようです。
「ウィルバー スコヴィル 生誕 151 周年#GoogleDoodle」

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Googled Yoko & Owen. Was pleasantly surprised.

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LOVE today in honour of Charles Perrault's 388th Birthday.

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honors the 388th birthday of Charles Perrault, the French author of all your fav Disney fairy tales.

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Suppose I have to wait for this thing to hatch now.. *sigh*

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I googled "yoshi fart" at 5AM to find this image and im crying at the other results

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Plane sketch... also "Skyaking" is apparently a real thing, I googled it

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Meow! Fly with Team Yellow in the Global Candy Cup!

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Such a cute I am enjoying this anthropomorphised planets trend 😂

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Love today's cheeky – Evidence of water found on Mars

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celebrates announcement of water on Mars

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