舞台「Anchor -大きな木の下で-」DVDが10月14日(水)発売決定!出演:五十嵐麻朝、山本紗也加、早乙女じょうじ、小谷昌太郎、田中康寛 ほか http://t.co/bJEL5n50VV

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Anchor第3話、更新しました。涼しくなってきましたね。絵、使い回しですいません。悠 http://t.co/WZaXpVtH3k

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Sailboat Anchored At Sunset, oil by Dominique Amendola. PRINTS AV HERE: http://t.co/EVWu9Kju11

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I'm kind of a big deal. Enjoy my drawing of Ron Burgundy, Anchorman!

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[북큐브의 고급진 웹툰 소개] 22. Café Anchorage / 최익규
어때유? 재밌겠쥬?
"어느 열대지방 바닷가의 휴양지, 카페 앵커리지에 모인 여러 인간이야기

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ド深夜ですが、Anchor第2話 更新しました。今回で第2話は終了となります。宜しかったら。悠 http://t.co/WZaXpVtH3k

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Anchor第2話 更新しました。次回で2話を締めくくれるよう頑張ります、、、。悠 http://t.co/figh5mWU5z

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Think I’ll drop me anchor for a bit

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New artwork for sale! - "Anchor Chain" - http://t.co/9PQTlDJatG

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Sheep To Shore! I nearly waved goodbye to these guys but they remain safely anchored to the wall!

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The Man, The Myth, The Legend, and the anchor of the special issue of out later this week.

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【水墨画:静泊】[Chinese painting :Anchor]这是我的中国画作品,是我在水库写生的收获。当然,这样的画法,并非是传统的。#Chinesepainting

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Because even a Champion needs an anchor.

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