画質 高画質

Dia 02/02 estarei na Expo Jaspion, no Memorial da América Latina, num painel sobre o herói, com Arthur Garcia e a JBC, às 11h AM. Entrada gratuita! Aproveite e encomende algum print de desenho meu para eu entregar pessoalmente no evento.

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Hoy cumplen 61 años Mortadelo y Filemón. Aparecieron por primera vez en el número 1.394 de la revista Pulgarcito, y forman ya parte de nuestros imborrables recuerdos.

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Happy everyone!

I'm Gabriel Garcia, I love💖 making 3d art, fanart and stuff for games.
More of my work over at artstation:

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Arriving at for a jam-packed Youth Matters forum and greeted by this amazing new mural by Nelson Garcia and Derek Evenshaw - this photo doesn’t do it justice - amazing!

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Yes, I draw Caro again, you guys don’t need to accuse me favouritism, coz I really am! 😂😂😂

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I'm Gabriel Garcia, I love💖 making 3d art, fanart and stuff for games.
More of my work over at artstation:

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Las fícidas menores eran unos sencillos organismos dotados de una particular y etérea belleza, donde los rayos del sol ensayaban nuevos colores nunca antes vistos en la superficie del planeta.

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Gonzalo Garcia Calvo의 Origami 강아지들...
이 분의 작품들은 화려하진 않지만, 대상들의 기분과 감정이 느껴질 정도로 대단한 생명력이 들어 있어서, 보는 이의 시각이 아닌 마음을 흔들어 버린다...

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This is a bit of a homage to those great covers of Atari Force by the great Jose Garcia Lopez. The drama he composed with Dart’s reaction to the off-panel action. Storytelling Draftsmanship: perspective, composition, figure drawing, backgrounds & page layouts, study his work!

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