Daniel Ablitt. (UK, 1976~)
다니엘 어블릿, 영국 출신의 화가.
밤을 건너 내일로. 내일의 당신에게로.
오늘의 '밤'.
갤러리 >> http://t.co/fVoZzJriLs

123 212

Danse de Lune. (UK, 1965~)
Danse de Lune(달빛의 춤)이라는 예명으로 활동 중인 영국 출신의 일러스트레이터.
오늘의 '밤'.

188 387

John Atkinson Grimshaw. 
(UK, 1836~1893)
달이 수놓은 밤의 빛을 사랑한 화가 존 앳킨슨 그림쇼의 '밤'들. 달의 모습은 하나가 아닌데 마음에 떠오르는 달은 언제나 만월滿月이었다.

269 472

Pouka pouka poukapouk, ont remporté l'Oscar du Meilleur film d'Animation !

272 223

A boy and his lazy dog! Tom & Quk, an by Gustavo Mazali http://t.co/ckztHkWtcd

1 6

Antonia Kostiuk, multi-disiplinary artist, is a 2014 Toronto Finalist.
@ 178 in

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140919 Super Show 6 Seoul Day 1 with Sungmin,Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook & Kyuhyun [21P] http://t.co/aoh6hPom0q

232 163

¿Conocen la leyenda maya “K'uk, el quetzal”? Más información en http://t.co/ZJcez4iczF

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kyu be like


From my mouth (---:"

14 7

140815 smtown live tour in seoul
Super Junior

6 3

Este M-Lucario está demasiado awesome.
Me lo encontré en Feisbuk, pero conseguí al artista: http://t.co/ms1wYqUDJo

0 3

Este fanart *w* Donghae decidiendo entre "leedonghae" o "dongdonglee" y pidiéndole ayuda a Hyuk, asi me los imagino

9 3

Though I have never been to the UK, I've always had a secret love affair in my heart!
April 4, 2004

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Gross feature drawing I did for boys comic drawn in

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biar pada gak ngantuk, Keep Smile :)

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since im not home based in the uk, i made this ad to support the cause!

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ah ngantuk,#XaXa dulu ya,nanti udah masuk sekolah... Oyasumi :) ciao !

30 14

[FanArt] Eunhyuk, Siwon and Kyuhyun for Kyochon - [cr: as tagged]

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