画質 高画質

Et pour le cas de Wave!!, à la limite, j'aurais pût me dire "ça se passe au japon, normal qu'ils sont tous japonais", mais encore une fois c'est de l'encre sur papier, c'est un choix narratif.

The great pretender, FMA, JJBA, ect... ça se passe pas au Japon hein.

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I'm genuinely sorry about this one

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someone on tumblr said they wanted to kiss me on the mouth for the way i draw ed and i said promise? 🥺🥺🥺

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Just finished FMA brotherhood again so I decided to do a fanart

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◌Ау по ночному дозору◌
Ситуация: Рома опять напился своей противной кровищи, а Эд мягко говоря не в восторге
-Пока эта дрянь из тебя не выйдет, целовать не буду ♡
-Ну Эд,,,,

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One more for my little self imposed style challenge, Yuyu Hakusho. This is proving to be a fun little experiment with Narmun.

Done so far: YYH, FMA, Castlevania
To do: JJBA, Heaven’s Official, ATLA, Masaaki Yuasa

If you have any other suggestions, throw them at me!

Narmun: OC

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Legit, the style and look of it, is just so damn solid~
And I am highly pleased to hear that FMA is still relevant in the merch world.
( They deadass trying to make me broke with this.. )

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Самый милый кровопийца в ночном дозоре🥰

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I did the tattoo for my daughter And because I'm a big fan of FMA (2001) 3rd of oct.

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4. The Heroic Legend of Arslan
- the collaboration btw Tanaka Yoshiki (Legend of the Galactic heroes) and Arakawa Hiromu (FMA)
- that is enough for u to read it
- historical fantasy
- im SO invested in Arslan's journey
- hes the best protagonist i too would follow him anywhere

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Happy Mine are mostly pretty obvious why I like them, the usually reasons of relating way too hard to one specific character.

I was also tempted to have FMA:B on here, but that will be on SO many people's lists. https://t.co/LiodErqfzP

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Je viens de retrouver des vieux sprites FMA que j'avais fait à partir des sprites de Pokémon 😭😭😭

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