Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A special day for our friends at Sacred Heart Kooringal

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PEGASUS. 2hours in ps cs5

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Jesus... she looks terrible but I just wanted to color something tonight dklgjklgh

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sweet baby jesus................

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Trying to fight the shitty weather here with tiny matsus....

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Why must there be a winner between and Wings, when they can be one? GO PEGASUS. (EPIC GAME BTW)

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It would be cool but also terrifying to ride a Pegasus.

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Weekly birdstudy!

this week is the Quetzal!
reaaalllyy difficult to draw jesus.

Someone give me next weeks bird

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Been playing the new senran kagura and I couldn't love hikage and ryobi more than I did in shinovi versus....

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[MANGA] a lu le tome 2 de et il a 2-3 choses à dire dessus...

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Selamat beribadah & memperingati hari penyaliban Tuhan Yesus. Dia mati menebus dosa kita semua

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Den lidande Jesus. Måndagsgruppens konfirmander målade påskens drama.

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Steve the Pegasus. All my 4 year old wanted to watch today was My Little Pony.

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Profil karakter dari Yahiko. English version. ~~Menarik nih, Yahiko dikasih jatah 1 halaman khusus. (4)

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I drew the best pegasus. Better quality this time.

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still trying to figure out Duran Duran's outfit, jesus.

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Jesus. I'm so far behind xD

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