"Dammit... ... that's my first kiss"
WWX did not know that person who kiss him is LWJ LOL

1034 2437

if first picture is teen WWX, second is adult WWX, third is WWX in MXY body then...who's fourth pic?? @ young adult WWX or WWX in MXY body but with nicer clothes ?? (that LWJ bought for him probably lol)

57 174

//behind the scene
LWJ have a soft spot for WWX, he could never see him unhappy 😂😂😂

43 116

WWX & LWJ ♥ I think I'm doing charms with this~

32 84

CH98 LWJ Drunk3~When the owner came because of the water leak to downstairs,didn't the owner saw WWX love mark

472 1109

>RT these are the red archery uniforms that WWX and LWJ wore in the novel during the discussion conference :D they didn't show it in the donghua but official donghua weibo gave us illustrations TuT)b

they look so good (and married lol)

55 126

wifi wants huggies frm lwj doodle ///

48 132

今晚的 蓝忘机根本不是哄睡,是害我不得好睡。七孔流血,原地爆炸!宠妻宠上天!
Tonight RadioDrama LWJ put WWX to bed.His voice is so soft so deep,I EXPLODE,NOSE BLEEDING

1251 2778

【强奸!】#羡羡 你还不来就你娘子😏我要上他了
[Rape!!] LWJ come and save your wife😏

494 1166

The only person can read LWJ mind😂 I love him so much

336 859

2nd time drunk LanZhan-Naughty WWX kiss+lick LWJ lips
Well,here LWJ used his headband to tie WWX hands&show it to the children(SiZhui,others)

782 1833

Day 2 : Favorite Pairing

WWX x LWJ is OTP but I really adore Jiang Yanli x Jin Zixuan. Their love story is not without twists and turns, but once the pride and prejudice melts away, it becomes really cute and heartwarming. If only they could live happily ever after...

25 81

Day 1 - Top favorite character

okay, its automatically Wei WuXian for me BUT. BUT Jiang Cheng really have a special spot for me, i just love his grumpy side and wanna meme him all day kind of love, wwx have LWJ already!

14 58

(〃艸〃) Chapter 96"LanZhan,why are you like a dog, bite me again" LWJ like to bite WWX😳
I feel so shame😭this part I read for 3 times still blushing while reading😳 I don't think the DongHua will do this part😭

834 1889

I always imagine if they have kids, it will be twins. A boy and a girl. Elder brother looks like LWJ but acts like WWX while Sister is vice versa. As to how they can have kids...come on, this is WWX you are talking about XD

216 1010