Here’s an Masks OC for you all. FYI she’s a Mysterio fangirl, who is his protege, but also wants to be a superhero :3

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So far, here's omnibus one Internal Arts collection! As always, . hits a apple pie home run! how I want them to be.

With Golden Bulleteer being super cornball with his wife: White Lily. Start here:

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Always wanting the same results, always achieving it in different ways.

Because neither can afford not to.

That's why when you try and make them the same,
the story always suffers.

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Super Splash of Color is LIVE right now and every Saturday at 12 CST playing through a Masks campaign!

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And now its time for some super hero silliness...

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is the next big superhero comic by , don't like
Invincible ? Don't like heroes getting deconstructed? Than support Herogeek by following liking and retweeting his stuff ,

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My cousins are hitting me up, over the excitement for
Alright, here’s your of !

I am in!



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Here's another one that needs some justice done
in live action.

Red Tornado.

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It took awhile, but I'm finally going through with the ships. Thanks again to everyone who left a suggestion. First up SpidyHulk!

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My favourite wrestlers as mashup yet!

The as the JLI (my fav heroes)

as Blue Beetle, as Booster Gold, as Mr Miracle and as Big Barda

With as a defeated Despero

Comments welcome

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The version of
that makes the most sense to me
is when Victor still has some visible
organic components.

It communicates without words
the pain of his dual existence
and the price of him being what he is.

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Since I'm watching My Hero Academia while I work, I figured I would share something I made a few years ago now.

Because beetles are cool.

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