It was indeed the most difficult part – it took them an hour to finish feeding this tiny creature 🥺😆

18 158

[디파인 더 릴레이션십] -33화
👇 🍲❤️

488 4359

박영수 갈릴레오
김용한 윌리엄

7 4

이틀에 걸친 1유닛 1햄 그림릴레이 완성~!!!
요것은 합본입니당

17 17

1.어제 3시간잠..오늘수면유도제사왓음 먹고 마니잘거임
2.내일채움공제 만기되서 아패프로사구 학자금대출 갚을예정임 헤헤
3.딱히 tmi가 없어서 반응이좋앗던 딤쿠콘을 올립니다

0 16

작가, 컬렉터 여러분,
요즘 힘드시죠!
님이 제안하셔서 저도 참여합니다. 구입한 작품과 자신의 링크 올리고 릴레이 참여 작가님 지목!
님의 왓도그 하나 구입했습니다!🍆🐶

12 25


0 0


0 1

<Define the Relationship> 🎇🌹
▫️EP 25▫️

Ash asked if Karlyle got the lube, because he was craving for Ash’s peacock inside him

Fck like hello?!! I squealed internally!! And yass free the nips Ash!! 🫦


2 12

Karlyle and Ash on babysitting duties. 👨‍👨‍👦👶🏻

Karlyle was wondering if Ash ever would ever marry an omega and have children of his own since he seemed to like children. But he felt it was a foolish question since he was curious.

8 18

[디파인 더 릴레이션십] -32화
👇 🥹❤️

704 6916

레진 릴레이할인으로 수화 2코인전해요!
아직 안보신분들 보러가세효☺️☺️

1 2

제 작품 한 점이 컬렉터 님을 만났으니 바로, 한 점을 구입합니다!
완전 재미있고 명랑하고 창의적인 멍멍이 피카소의 모자 쓴 여인을 데리고 왔습니다!


다른 코인작품 구매 릴레이도 좋을 것 같은데 어떠세요?

1 6

Ep.24 Lezhin US Update! Spoilers!
Karlyle was now experiencing his rut now that he and Ash were away and not in good terms. He kept calling his name.🥺😩

4 8

레진에서 릴레이 코인 할인 이벤트 중인가봐여~!
관심 있으신 분은 이 기회에 한번!! 😆👍 (짤은 곧 나올 화수의 어린 현우❣️)

5 10

I really love how well Chada-nim captures both of their emotions in every episode!! I can really feel a sense of fresh air around them✨️💜 I love all the "first" Karlyle is having with Ash😳

9 27

Obsessed with the way they’re holding their hands every chance they got. So so precious. 🥹

7 23

It frustrates me how everytime Ash leans in, I'm expecting them to kiss but only to be disappointed 😂😭

20 141