中森明菜 in TBS ザ・ベストテン 1986.10.9「Fin」第2位初 ‣450回記念 in 松本(あがたの森公園) ‣シングルリリース:1986.9.25 ‣作詞:松本一起、作曲:佐藤健、編曲:佐藤準 ‣17th日本歌謡大賞:放送音楽賞/大賞 ‣’86全日本歌謡音楽祭:ゴールデングランプリ

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Boom! thunderstruck9:

Jeroen Henneman (Dutch, b. 1942), Night on the ridge road, 1986. Oil on canvas, 160 x 184 cm.

via huariqueje \ (•o•) /

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Night on the ridge road - Jeroen Henneman, 1986.

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The last time Keith Jackson got any inside info. from Rangers was when he was playing for Rangers Boys’ Club In 1986.

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August 13-14, 1986. Prince performed at Wembley Arena.

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My beautiful photo illustration done for movie Fire With Fire 1986.

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Happy to our American friends!

Statue of Liberty; USA; 1986. North American Bear Co

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It’s official. US 30-year yield just inverted vs. the Fed funds rate!

Same warning ahead of the GFC, tech bust, Asian crisis, S&L crisis, and 1980’s double dip recessions.

The only false signal, 1986.

We now have the entire US Treasury curve below the Fed overnight rate.

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🎯Donne che hanno lasciato
il segno 🎯

Rita Levi Montalcini(1909-2012)

Neurologa,5 lauree honoris causa,
Premio Nobel per la medicina nel 1986..

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Daily thing of the Bit Sniper heartless from (I love their design, but I never got to encounter them because I am not good at Kingdom Hearts! That Riku battle was just a solid brick wall to me.)

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Buon 33° compleanno, Dragon Quest!
Celebriamo la serie tornando al 2011, con la copertina dello speciale volume per il 25° anniversario del brand. L'immagine cita il primissimo DQ del 1986.

"Quasi tutte le opere di - 27 Maggio 2019: https://t.co/niZSkPcGwL

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1986. Pour pouvoir réouvrir le restaurant, William et Henry créent de nouveaux animatroniques : les Toys. Mais dans les coulisses, de vieux amis ne digèrent pas le changement.
Lire sur https://t.co/BmMwmpuKrJ : https://t.co/5n3lSPNGAR
Lire sur : https://t.co/a4OLk6RhBq

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"Not all monsters are scary. Not if it's one fighting crime in the Garden State." THE TOXIC AVENGER, released in 1986.

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[EMPLOI] Le MNBAQ est à la recherche d'un(e) adjoint(e) de feu pour assurer le secrétariat et la bonne marche des opérations de la Direction générale. 🔥https://t.co/Ay6zvmuVbB. Oeuvre : Cousineau, Sylvain P. «Pot de fleur en feu», 1986.

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Concept art by Berni Wrightson for an unmade movie adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s THE SHADOW OVER INNSMOUTH. Circa 1986.

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