RT : The introduction of rapid steamboats in the early 19thC allowed people to commute daily into London from riverside towns or even take an excursion out of the capital. Read about Thames steamboats here https://t.co/cSzkbXMQgC

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Alfred Stevens (1823-1906)

The Psyché (my studio), c.1871

A Psyché is a full-length tilting mirror.

Collection of Princeton University Art Museum.

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English painter Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793-1872),
Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a yellow dress and blue and yellow turban, (mid 19thc)

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Horseback Etiquette For a Gentleman Riding With a Lady - Horseback could not be overlooked when a gentleman escorted a lady her horse, even though such an activity was considered one ...

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The "floating hell" conditions in sailing ships in his youth were never forgotten by Walter Runciman (1847 –1937) who ran away to sea at 12 & ended as wealthy shipping magnate & British baron – as told in his memoirs. Click: https://t.co/7qil2jvl3g History

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How Controlled His Image - It is interesting how Napoleon controlled his image to become a “master of spin.” He realized that to gain power and to stay in power, his popularity depended ... https://t.co/w43omxF3uF

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Died 3Jul1848 Thomas Raikes, a who patronized White's and was a merchant banker and diarist. He was also nicknamed "Apollo" because "he rose in the east and set in the west." https://t.co/RubBzHoOru

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Japanese decorated printed stationery, late 19thC

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Walking Sticks or Canes in the 1700 and 1800s: When swords fell out of fashion, walking sticks, sometimes referred to as canes, were substituted. At one point, gentlemen were wearing them ... https://t.co/CMezSiQ6E2

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Tea Glossary and Tea Terms of the 18th and 19th Centuries - Samuel Pepys was the first person in Britain who documented drinking a cup tea, which he noted in ... https://t.co/lFwuVCetHI

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Died 26Jun1830 known for many years as the Prince Regent. His charm and culture earned him the title, "the first gentleman of England" but his heavy drinking and indulgent lifestyle took a toll on his health by the late 1820s.

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Can you identify our mystery blob?

This unusual shape was discovered in a Portico Library book from 1860. What's your guess?

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Bonesetters: Joint Manipulators and Musculoskeletal Fixers - Bonesetters of the 1700s and 1800s were like today’s chiropractors, osteopaths, and physical therapists rolled into one. ... https://t.co/uIW2FhxRYM

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RT : To preserve the complexion, rise early and go to bed early, take plenty of exercise, and use good soap and fresh water liberally.

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Chateau de Saint-Cloud in the 1700s and 1800s - The was built on a woody hill that overlooked the left bank of the Seine River about three miles west of Paris. It had been ... https://t.co/l1fYxEF1Tl

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10Jun1867 Gala soirée for sovereigns attending the International Exposition of that year, by Pierre Tetar van Elven. The exterior horseshoe staircase, from the garden to the Salle de Maréchaux, was temporarily erected for the occasion.

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Died 9Jun1864 Murderer Dr. Edmond Pommerais of the 1800s: He was a spendthrift and gambler who was not above doing whatever it took to become rich. His story begins with ... https://t.co/tNqKzyu5Pb

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Chateau de Saint-Cloud in the 1700s and 1800s - The was built on a woody hill that overlooked the left bank of the Seine River about three miles west of Paris. It had been ... https://t.co/begIGPkHo2

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