2016: super semiconscious and had no friends, the 'weirdo' of the class, just starting out online

2020: mentally struggling but ok, found a fashion style i love and hoping to be more confident. finally going through my edgy phase, and realising my worth and people do love me https://t.co/SnYWHq40yq

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2016: Sophomore in college, stressed and not confident in my skills or comfortable with my body. Met lifelong friends here though.

2020: Life hit me like a semi, work two jobs, always tired, but lost a lot of weight and cozy in my own skin. Still have great friends! https://t.co/TgbdiezFCc

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2016: shaved half my head because WHY NOT,2nd year with my boy. figuring out my bipolar medicine, and lived in a hoarding situation with my family, bad year
2020: no health insurance, still living with family but better housing, but learned alot about life and not as insecure 🥺 https://t.co/xx8VPYxEb3

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2016: Lonely college freshman and very emotionally unstable. In a somewhat abusive relationship and not knowing what to do w/ my life. Also NO fashion sense
2020: Graduating, emotionally and somewhat financially stable. Not hating myself and in a really happy relationship. 👌🖤💕 https://t.co/fbjUtaIuyy

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2016: young and stupid in the world still, trying to appear okay when I really wasn’t, and thinking something made me happy when it really didn’t
2020: not so young and not so dumb, I’m forthright about myself and my feelings, and I’m much more honest and happy with myself https://t.co/ILt29Eg19E

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2016: was in or recovering from a really toxic relationship, getting bad grades, not confident in my art, depressed

2020: improved at art! In a long term relationship with someone i have a house and a cat with. Graduating highschool, accepted into college, wayyyy more confident

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2016: super unsure about the world, didnt care about anything, 2 years into being a artist and into my relationship.
2020: much more confident, 7/8 years into my relationship, 6/7 years of being a artist. have a sense of style, working hard to be the person i want to be https://t.co/YOfozcnILt

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2016: Self districtive emotional bastard not knowing what the fuck to do with life. really rough year. not sure of anything.
2020: happy emotional bastard with loving friends + emotional support. a bad bitch. more comfortable with self than ever. https://t.co/B350Yjd9ij

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2016: honestly absolute hell for me. Wasnt in a horrible environment and just...BAD

2020: moved out from that toxic place and slowly recovering but overall doing better than I ever was https://t.co/HbLpvkJsWG

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2016: haha imagine being cis 2020: babe you are not cis

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2016: Had just come out as nonbinary, very self-conscious all the time, constantly wearing a black hoody.
2020: Live(d) in England for uni, more comfortable with myself and my gender expression. Shaved my head and started wearing beanies. Sweaters replaced the black hoody https://t.co/OjKx878IDS

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2016: Angry 24/7, was stuck in a mentally absuive relationship, dressed more like a tomboy, took no shit.
2020: Nervous af, mentally scarred, been through too much, found out about pan and poly stuff, shaved head, more friends but deals with social anxiety, sweet af boyfriend..

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2016: should’ve been graduating college, moved home instead unsure of myself, wanted to dye my hair but too scared. Anxious and sad with deaths in the family

2020: coping, more at peace with myself hairs been dyed so many colors in 4 year finding my style slowly but surely https://t.co/ldp1DUPOVQ

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2016: just moved back with my mom, made lots of bad choices, angry and reactive, started working at target and going to support group, no friends

2020: making choices for myself, moved away from mom, in contact with friends, working at a pharmacy, trying to find myself and heal

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2016: in an abusive relationship and home, felt like i had to be masc all the time, constantly wore clothes to hide my body, really bad SH tendencies. was strictly trans male/gay
2020: fem as fuck!!! goth boy. love make up and clothes. engaged to love of my life. agender demi boy

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2016: figuring out gender+sexuality, neck deep in an emotionally manipulative relationship, being extra is dumb why can’t people be normal

2020: still neck deep in stress but at least I look cool while doing it. Lots of creative outlets. Still a bastard but a happier one. https://t.co/XRoNnY2OLm

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2016: Gender is confusing !! Doesn't know what I want, very depressed. Low self esteem
2020: Self care bitch !! Loves myself so much. GROWTH. Wants to be a zoologist so badly. Crops watered !! Expresses self more. https://t.co/6GAYPGcEPs

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2016: Just starting to come out of my shell. Working a shitty job, always broke ,always stressed about bills.
2020: Dyed my hair red, and trying out a more punk style for myself and loving it. Learning not just to accept it but being proud to be a lesbian. Having a good job. https://t.co/ThAQ7PXjtK

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2016: bad, grew my hair out to try and see if I really wanted to be a girl. Horrible depression and lots of thoughts about just disappearing. Wore exclusively stretchy pants
2020: Trans man, a gay trans man, slightly more focused on myself and my comfort https://t.co/kj54dYf3V8

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2016: start of the worst time in my life 2016-2018, i was generally happier though before it all happened
2020: in a healthy relationship, went through a lot of shit but im vibing now, trying to recover :) https://t.co/yakgdIn7ma

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