Angry armies
Out of control
They think they know what's best
Revolution leads to death

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The Mob Rules

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Into Revolution
Sooner or later
When it happens
Forced change
What do you become❔
When you are
Forced into change

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How come they never tell you to wait around
How come you can't get what you want for free❔

Is now

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All the love in the world
Is waiting for you
Just around the corner

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Peace on Earth

Space and Time


Millions and Millions of people Standing Together

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Twitter doesn't give a damn
Elon Musk found out the hard way

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Whoever speaks the loudest
Whoever speaks about change
Whoever makes the attempt
You can be sure they are a liar
Almost every problem can't be fixed


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You better get it together
Pretty soon you're going to be dead

Instant Karma

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People give you all kinds of advice


People shake their heads look around in confusion
Unsure of what they speak

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The Destruction of Planet Earth
Is Real


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Performing Arts
Capture Our Attention
We Imagine What Is Possible
If she called me
I'd be there
I'd come running anywhere

Doesn't Matter
How It Comes
Or How It Ends
Life Is A Song Worth Singing

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Phil Collins
Have a history of music that defines contemporary rock in the eighties
One of the best albums of that Era:
No reply at all
Keep it dark
Like it or not


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No need to say please or thank you
You're welcome

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