Deinstalling 'The AShtray Show West' today.
Paul Kindersley: Untitled

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The weed fairy blessed me 🧚‍♂️

What do you guys think of these new ashtrays I made? 😇

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Jack Burton: Fear of Addiction, Regrets About Smoking, 2018
Matchbox, pigment marker, acrylic paint, archival pigment print, matches and glass ashtray

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Ab Rogers: ABC Ashtray, 2018, Water-based epoxy bandages on 300-year-old molten lava from Lan-zarote

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Philippa Horan: Glass Ashtray, 2018, glazed ceramic

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Georg Petermichl: Untitled, 2017,glazed terra cotta is on dispal at 'The Ashtray Show West'!

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My ashtray heart timelapse

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Figurine ashtray "Fish". Porcelain, painting, gilding. 1950s - 1960s

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Rob Branigan: Meeting Point, 2016, concrete, fools and gold showcased at 'The Ashtray Show West'

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Tim Berresheim 'Harry Rag' & 'AShtray Show West' are open now!

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Please do not use as portable ashtray.

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ゴールデンカムイ14巻と、Suchmos「THE ASHTRAY」を購入。好きな漫画の新刊、好きなバンドの新譜を手にした時に得られるワクワク感、ドキドキ感は10代、20代だけの特権だと思い込んでいたけれど、30代になっても変わらず。寧ろ、現在進行形で好きなものがどんどん出てくる喜びを噛みしめている。

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Disembodied heads, desk lamp lips, breasts in ashtrays and dessert bowls, work pulses with dark humour and shines a spotlight on mass consumerism of and objectification.

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Commission for tumblr user Ashtraykutcher of their Pokemon trainer OC!

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I fell asleep listening to the Placebo song "Ashtray Heart" and woke up at 3 am this morning with this very distinct picture in my mind

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