# comics

Sugar Belle: We're almost to the next area, Big Mac. Are you ready?

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Sugar Belle: I couldn't agree more, Big Mac.

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Sugar Belle: Awwwwww, what beautiful sculptures.

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Sugar Belle: I can't wait to see the rest of the Sanctuary. ^^

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Sugar Belle: I owe a lot to Twilight and her friends, they even allowed Starlight to change for the better. :)

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Sugar Belle: Mainly thanks to Twilight. After she helped me at Starlight's old village, she introduced me to all of her friends.

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*Sugar Belle reads the pedestal that the statue is standing on*

Sugar Belle: "Lemon Hearts, Caretaker of the Peaceful Place."

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Sugar Belle: Say, what if we become Floofponies once Hearth's Warming is over?

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Sugar Belle: You know it.

*Sugar Belle giggled as she hugged the Moondancer Floofmare. She noticed that it's even softer than during their last visit, which made her continue to snuggle it*

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Sugar Belle: I love the Floofmares, they're so soft and adorable. ^w^

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Sugar Belle: They are based on Minuette and Moondancer, I recognize the cutie marks on the chests.

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Sugar Belle: Over there.

*She pointed to the two Floofmares nearby the floofy statue of Coco Pommel*

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Sugar Belle: Look, Big Mac, there's two more Floofmares here. ^^

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Sugar Belle: That sure is a happy statue. ^^

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Sugar Belle: Awwwwww, look at this. It's the floofy statue of Derpy Hooves.

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Sugar Belle: Yeah, I think she'll be here for quite a while.

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Sugar Belle: Princess Luna once told me that whenever you see a hump on the ground at the Peaceful Place, it means that somepony is buried there and in a deep sleep.

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*They made their way to the Peaceful Place. First, they noticed that the ground they were walking is ultra soft and super fluffy*

Sugar Belle: Wow, it feels like we are walking on fur.

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*An hour later, Sugar Belle woke up from her nap and dug Big Macintosh out of the pile he was buried in*

Sugar Belle: Hello, sleepy head. :)

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