might draw the other diamonds soon but idk

1 10

vec sam crtala ranije ali sad lepse izgleda iako je sam kloseum preapstraktan i nzm jos kako bih ga fizicki predstavila

i postoji prolaz B ali za njega se ne zna

0 3

《干物妹!小埋》橘•希爾芬福特 各位喜歡這一部的哪一個角色呢?我當然是喜歡希爾芬❤️ 仿圖圖源:希爾芬福特&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&prmd=inmv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkq--BtqLkAhULBKYKHXNJBAMQ_AUoAXoECA4QAQ&biw=393&bih=682#imgrc=3tYrCcohjh-w4M

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[戀與製作人] 悠然

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Bout to finally watch today. Finally got Netflix to watch this bih 😓💕

0 4

its been at LEAST 5 or so years and i still love this bih

0 1

This amphibian son of a bih takes you on a date and he shows up like this ¿wyd?
Art for

7 15

natural lil bih 😇

4 48


holy sh id be glad to but rn i'm such an aWKWARD BIH-

0 1

tweet and you shall receive bih

27 425

You’re a blessing for making this thread bih
I’m Ucci kskssk and this is the social media I’m most on but I’m thinking of starting an instagram
I have commissions and art trades open and I draw fantasy OCs 🌸

Commissions ⤵️

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