And I own you, bye. 눈_눈

13 5

I'm claiming May, cause I want to spend it with Luffy.

6 2

Utapri in Wonderland.

6 4

3 ways on how to take care of your loli. Special for: Lolicon.

9 12

Chiyo Sakura? Never heard of that pokemon before ... [Anime: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun]

11 5

Have you watched the Tamako Market Movie? Mochizo looks like Akihito in here.(*≧▽≦)ノシ))

18 11

Maybe a home-cooked meal would comfort this poor admin's exhausted spirit.

4 2

Flat chested girl could be this scary.

15 10

Today's rabu raibu features a hair swap.♥

11 9

Konnichiwa! Today is sure very hot. ;; A ;;

15 12

Long haired Ritsu. Looks a bit like Rias Gremory here. (Ofc, without the overwhelming bust). [pixiv/Interim]

8 4

Konnichiwa! Welcome to my life.

9 8

Kodaka (haganai), Yui (oregairu), Mio (k-on). What is yours?

3 1

What is your ultimate OTP? c:

4 5

Loli! Which number do you prefer the most?

7 6