We'll have pancakes as a treat today as requested by Ichigo. I bet she's going to enjoy them!

3 20

Can you get up in the morning? Ichigo and Ringo don't get up even when the alarm goes off so I have to drag them out of bed!

6 19

I got a shock this morning when I was making the beds and a lizard appeared! Luckily it was only a toy!

3 14

Autumn has turned the leaves from green to yellow and some will turn to red, making such pretty colors!

4 23

Max is walking the dog today. The same course as usual, but the Autumn leaves make it feel different.

3 17

I smelt the scent of Osmanthus flowers at the back of the garden today. Could they be blossoming?

6 20

I saw the birds eating Japanese persimmon this morning. I hope they can find enough food during the winter.🍂🍂

4 16

New rice arrived from my parent's house! Freshly cooked new rice is the best you can get! 🍙🍙🍙

5 29

What reminds you of Autumn? For Mama it's food such as saury, matsutake mushrooms, Japanese persimmon.

5 24

Today we collected chestnuts from a local field and will make chestnut rice later! Got to be careful not to cut yourself when taking off the hard shell!

4 20

I noticed a hole in Ringo's shoes when I was washing them! They're still wearable so I'll patch them up!

6 26

It's getting cooler these days as the seasons change. Watch out for sudden changes in the weather!

13 44

The mornings and nights are feeling chilly. I can hear the sound of crickets in the garden too. Ringo tried to capture some crickets with a net but Ichigo stopped him!

4 22

I found a spider as big as a child's hand in the washing. I carefully put it back in the garden!

7 28

It's cooler now at the end of September so I think I'll take Max on a longer walk today.

3 20

The best feeling is when after making dinner someone tells you the food was delicious!

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I wonder if the swallow I heard in the garden in July has left the nest and flown south yet.

5 21

Autumn is drawing in. I'm sad to see summer go, but there's a lot to look forward to in fall!

8 28

Beautiful, clear crisp, weather today. The clouds are really high in the sky! Autumn is here.

3 18

Mornings are cooler these days. Kids are back into their school routine and the mornings are busy again!

4 18