I like Terry being in Smash, but the SNK rep should've been Leona Heidern.
Leona has been in Ikari Warriors, Metal Slug, King Of Fighters, Garou, as well as SNK Heroines. She is the perfect amalgamation of everything SNK, and as a stand-in for Mai, excels in the art of big sexy.

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Day 1, I can't believe it's happening all over again. Lets see how this goes. Also we are starting with boom knuckles since last year I did classic and the first year I did modern.

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Pakaian dan permunculanku sekarang ini aku anggap produk bumi manusia akhir abad kesembilan belas, kelahiran zaman modern. Dan terasa benar olehku: Jawa dan manusianya hanya sebuah pojokan tidak terlalu penting dalam keseluruhan bumi manusia.

Bumi Manusia, Pramoedya A. Toer

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One thing my friends and I noticed looking through these edits is that they managed to make the comic feel more modern. I think that comes from the fact that back when the strip was created, humor mainly came from punchlines. Nowadays it's more about reactions or lack of reaction

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Decided to redo my wolf character to make him more modern. The last sheet I drew for him looked pretty stiff and flat, so I decided to redo his sheet and design for 2019.

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Hace rato que lo jubilaron a Ruel en Modern. Hay que dar paso a lo nuevo?

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Für Heut Abend reicht´s erstmal mit Bildern... schätze ich.. vllt. kommen später mal wieder welche dazu :)

Bis Bald <3

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Älgpojken är en historiskt spännande bokserie som utspelar sig under stenåldern någonstans i norra Sverige. Det här är en perfekt läsning att sätta i händerna på historieintresserade elever som gillar äventyr och som vill återupptäcka stenåldern.

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A playful light show at the Olafur Eliasson exhibition at Modern.

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Offizielle Artworks zur Arena-Challenge und dem Champion-Cup, einem Turnier, welches offenbar die klassischen Top Vier ersetzt. Der Gewinner des Champion-Cups darf den amtierenden Champion Delion herausfordern.

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Here's a text-free version of the above and a detail shot of each hedhehog. I did Classic Sonic while Birdwithapen did Modern. needless to say Classic Sonic is all

The shoes I gave classic are Nike's Air 6 retro "sports blue", from 1991.

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This is one of my favourite paintings of all time. It's The Oyster Party by John Hamilton Mortimer, and although it was painted in the 1770s, the technique is astonishingly modern. Look at the faces. It could easily be the Dog & Duck at 10.30 last night.

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Yep, need some work on that, would like to give a feeling of wood stamp typography, but still looks modern. I know, quite a challenge ;-)

A bit like FF Blur, by Neville Brody, but less rounded

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Pandora fanart, Dra. Ellie Sattler. Película: Jurassic Park, 1993. Actriz, Laura Elizabeth Dern. Director, Steven Spielberg. Final 2019.

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🐰 RobiHachi

►Folge 10 : https://t.co/JluNP8G2gP

Kurz vor dem Ziel scheint die lange gemeinsame Reise ihren Tribut zu fordern...

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„Art cannot be modern. Art is primordially eternal.“

Egon Schiele

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Namun, disamping versi life action lebih fresh dan modern..

Sebagai penggemar Disney mania dan rada holic dikit, tak bisa ku pungkiri bahwa karena ada beberapa yg sedikit banyak diubah, membuat secara keseluruhan versi Animasi jauh lebih ngena di hati.

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I'm sure my was Leona heidern. I just remember seeing my brother's playing at the arcade and liking the character.

That's the earliest I can recall at least.

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Today is in and around and 5-9 pm. Artist studios, gallery open at Summit Artspace on East Market. Visit our neighbor Sweet Modern. Trolley to Northside to Northside Cellar, . New show at Bluff Blue Door Gallery.

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Ich streame creative, mein Overlay ist also eher auffällig und voll, mit jede Menge insidern.

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