The story of the famine in Dungarvan & West Waterford on sale now. All profits to n support Waterford County Museum.

Paperback €18 Kindle €9
To learn more or buy it on Amazon:

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2016 vs 2020
I don't wear anywhere NEAR as much grey anymore but I DID just get some black dungarees

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Will I ever stop drawing cute animals wearing sunhats and dungarees? Probably not. 🐶🌱

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Menggambar korban perundungan...

aku tau perjalananku masih panjang...

Amane >////<

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Setiap tgl 16 April pasti selalu Happy! krn orang-orang yang hadir di hidup ini❤
1. Dosen yang sudah spt Abang sendiri.
2. Si kembar yang pernah singgah dihati walau hanya dlm kandungan (9 bln).
3. Murid seperti adik sendiri yang kemana-mana mau ikut aja.
Happy Birthday to U!

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Sebenarnya, ada penelitian yang mengatakan kandungan hesperidin pada kulit jeruk menurun karena proses pemasakan hingga menit ke-30, tetapi tidak berkurang lagi jika terus dimasak setelahnya.

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The KR Twitch chat is also united in the cause of DUDUDUNGA and DORORORO

ㄷㄷㄷㅈ ㄷㄹㄹㄹ

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its nearly midnight so i only had time do quickly doodle 1 of them so here she is.......
took some liberties w her outfit bc fuck it dungarees are cute!!!!!!!

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Semoga tenaga medis yang tengah berjuang selalu dalam perlindungan. Terima kasih sudah berkorban untuk kesehatan kita semua

Ilustrasi ini adalah kiriman dari . Ini adalah bukti kita bisa tunjukkan solidaritas melalui karya.

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And now my contribution, a with a human job, inspired by and . "This is what we in the business call a "dungarita." Enjoy!"

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Here's my boi Zac!
He might have a bad outfit tastes BUT he's lovely, trust me <3

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A day in the life of Bimpo Dudunga.

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Lembaga perlindungan hewan PETA ajukan modifikasi idiom biar lebih ramah pada🐴🐮🐶
1 bring home the BACON (cari nafkah)=BAGELS
2 cry over spilled🥛 (hal sepele jadi besar)=🍞GOSONG
3 ants in our pants (gelisah)=lada
4 walk on EGGSHELLS (jangan nyinggung perasaan) =broken glass

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APPARENTLY when I grouped the layers together to throw last minute overlays on the whole thing, I mixed up the layer orders and Keith's shirt was clipping BB's dungarees. I'm so blind!

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My next winter outfit. I love pairing dungarees with a seasonal knit. Not a sponsored post, I genuinely love the ethics and sustainability behind their company ✌️

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Dungaree Witch and a Lil' Flame Elemental Friend

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Mallow still has the absolute best character design out of all the Characters in Pokémon, don't @ me.
Amazing color scheme that pops
A Pineapple bag? Raw
The flower in her hair, that used to be a bud, when she was younger?
Bro the Appron-Dungaree alone is already Oscar worthy tbh

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Well, it took me a solid 7 years of trying to draw Candy, my OC, and many, many unfinished WIPs but here she is.

Meet Candy. She likes pastels and dungaree shorts and dresses. She grew up every day in a library, fights dirty (and can pack a punch), but has zero aim.

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