TEQ Transforming Frieza is getting an EZA! What will it look like? YOU tell us! Submit your fanmade EZA here for a chance to be featured in the next fanmade cards episode!


6 62

Teq Glacial Prestige 1st form frieza eza stats

15266 Hp 15875 atk 6794 def 0%

17266 Hp 17875 atk 8794 def 55%

19866 Hp 21275 atk  11794 def 100%

25 305

My guess

I think it's PHY [The Ultimate Fighting Squadron] Captain Ginyu (Ginyu Force) who gets an EZA

13 316

One shot the last fight with a dokkan attack

ESBR V.S. EXT PHY beaten with Vegeta's team

Imagine if super trunks had his EZA rn too 😳

2 11

One of worst characters in dokkan hope he eza's soon

0 0

Eza stats

9535Hp 9219 atk 5442 def 0%

11535 Hp 11219 atk  7442 def 55%

14535 Hp  14219 atk 10442 def 100%

4 183

[JP] EZA for STR & PHY Super Trunks

42 600

Info coming with the next JP DDL

-> EZA PHY SSJ2 Gohan
-> EZA PHY SSJ Vegeta
-> EZA PHY Great Saiyaman 1&2
-> New WT LR and TURs (possible)
-> New Pettan Battle Set (possible)
-> New LR (Legendary Summon)?

33 419

Carried me through my early days - Still a GOAT - Needs an EZA but i used him a l o t - Absolute favorite F2P unit, i used him a ton on movie heroes alongside Goku. https://t.co/llzRUqABP3

1 16

Info coming with the next JP DDL

-> EZA TEQ Pikkon
-> EZA TEQ SSJ3 Goku (Angel)
-> EZA AGL Goku & Bulma
-> EZA STR Majuub and AGL SSJ2 Goku (GT)

18 257

Ssj Vegeta  Eza stats

11035 Hp 9694 Atk   7601 Def 0%

13035 Hp  11694 Atk 9601 Def 55%

16435 Hp  14694  Atk 12201 Def 100%

Ssj2 Teen Gohan eza Stats

11694 hp  11268 atk    5690 def 0%

13694 hp  13268 atk  7690 def 55%

17094 hp   16268 atk   10290 def 100%

1 40

This was during Golden Roleplay where paparazzi 'Eza' accidentally caught ZK the 2nd time(but didnt post it coz it's awfully rushed🤣)

This was during music awards scene.
Didnt know how the story flows thenso I assumed they left after awards and I had Eza caught 'em😆

28 101

What do you expect from Lr Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 Eza?

0 120

Please Eza during Tanabata so you can stop being trash

2 136

Maybe... Tanabata EZA?

9 445

Eza stats
14652 hp 14422 atk 6421 Def 0%
16652 hp 16422 atk 8421 Def 55%
20052 hp 19422 atk 11021 Def 100%

7 56

LR EZA Concept: SSJ2 Gohan (Youth)

[Full-Tilt Kamehameha] Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) can now be Extreme-Z Awakened!

Release Gohan's full potential through the Extreme-Z Battle event!

6 33

[CONCEPT] "So hotshot, you want to fight Majin Buu?"

[Shocking Absorption Ability] Buu (Super) can be Extreme Z-Awakened!

Unlock various transformations with different roles, each offering powerful support abilities and Super Attack effects!

Est. EZA Date - Q4 2021 - Q2 2022

26 230

Last 2 120% leaders left to Eza

What are your hopes for them?

10 417