// cw gore

male? female? it's a rabbit. who cares

147 1045

Realized I haven't drawn my William with long hair yet. He kinda grows it out and cuts it at various points.
Anyway, too lazy to color this but I thought it would be funny.

0 2

this glamchica design is for an AU im working on... details will be added.... later on :3c

87 541

This design is gorgeous but the fact that it's being used for NFTs is disgusting
So now he's mine :)


1 18

uhhhh quick au stuff I guess?????? wh a t

uhHHHHH tags??? stfu thisismyfnafauandIgettodowhatIwant/hj-

9 61

Me making Freddy a platonic yandere to make lit Demo's life suck:

I have to deal with a yandere Freddy now, and having to make sure he doesn't kill his husband Bonnie

2 15

they are cute

Vinnie & Black Phone AU

3 24

Hey Is That Yenndo? Yes It Is! She’s A Trans Women In My Au!🏳️‍⚧️


But I’m Not Sure What Her Job Would Be.

0 8

Vinnie & Black Phone AU

3 19