Fel YCH all done for @/SamAlinea1010

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Small preview into the WIP for the fel YCH

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You look like you might be interested in the arcane and fel...

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Fy merch wedi newid ei meddwl o wisgo fel Asterix (ar ôl i greu helmed o sgratsh a ffeindio dillad) ar Ddiwrnod y Llyfr, a bellach eisie mynd fel Gwen John (diolch a !).

Wish mi lyc...

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I got three monster void elves and a fel bat elf!

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cu ida do co m a fac a ta cort an do tud o
Fel iz an over sár io, Fe lps! 🥳🎉

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Art made for
Like many sin'dorei, Tal'enthiel Sunshard was forced to rebuild his life and find new power after the Fall. With a daughter to protect and fel-fire flowing in his veins, he will stop at nothing to defend Quel'Thalas.

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I don't actually have any recent art of them together, but Fel and Ry? Fel's a good ft taller.

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Red Fel is the oldest of the two sisters. While Maz is in charge of the Ship, Red is in charge of ground work. She keeps the males in line and keeps traitors silent. She’s a bit buffer than most Female T’vaoan, but she must stay strong to protect her sis

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Felena “Fel” Nyxandria Carrion. Tiefling Wizard of Waterdeep.

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Saurfang: Nooo, the fel really fucked us up, was terrible nooo, if only we never drank it...

*Wod Happens*


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Waar zijn de ouders van zo'n kind? Zijn zij fel anti-curling en huldigen ze de opvatting dat hun kroost door schade en schande wijs moet worden? Zeker is dat het een vrij bizar ABC-boek is dat Gaston Maréchaux in 1935 maakte.

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Hybrids are so cool!

I have my Hunter/Demon Hunter girl. Using a modified bow to channel fel magic. Because god damn I thought a ranged demon hunter would be cool and heck yeah she is

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Hi I'm Fel! I'm a young med student and when I have time I like to draw some good boys! 🔪

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No new pictures yet because I have a complete nightmare at IRL job + working on cmms

..but I want to share with you a sketchy character concept - Ignistrasza The Broken, daughter of Alexstrasza

she's a red dragon forcibly afflicted with the Fel

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