Today’s episode was a reminder that Garchomp is 1/2 of Cynthia’s true Ace. Actually I’d argue that Spiritomb was the bigger threat for me.

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I am mixed regarding Infernape vs Garchomp tbh

I love Infernape but other than being Sinnoh's ace he has no ACTUAL reason of being the main guy here

I WOULD prefer him over any JN team member OFCORSE

But I would rather have Torterra or Gible get the big W

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The love of my pokemon life, Garchomp 🙏💙

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Pokemon Champion Cynthia and her unbeatable Garchomp! Hope you like it!

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asked what's her 1st
expected it to be one of Starter
But it was
Her ace raised from an egg
& others are amazed

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🥇La medalla de oro no podría ser para otra, la campeona que muchos consideramos más fuerte, con la mejor IA para arruinarnos tardes enteras buscando la forma de vencerla y su aterrador Garchomp, sin duda la mejor y más difícil campeona que tuvo los juegos de pokemon 🦔🏆

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[OC] Cynthia & Garchomp ~ ♥ []

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[HOT] [OC] Cynthia & Garchomp ~ ♥ []

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... show of hands: who knew Cynthia's was a female before this recent episode of :D

L I A R ~ ! !

i know you furverts have all been drawing her pokemon with a D*CK~!!Cola is very disappointed in all of you~!! (lol) XD

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Garchomp Knight Update: We've added texture to the cape and skirt, as well as a color concept for the armor pieces

What do we think?

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This was a gift I've made for my cousin who's a big fan of very shortly before we were all sent to lockdown back in 2020! Drawn traditionally on an A3 paper and painted with watercolours.

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I fucking LOVE Garchomp. Unnecessary announcement, fucking god, but i love him SO much, he's so goddamn badass just look at him.

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The former! Armor with colors, and forms similar to Garchomp

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Cynthia in her new casual outfit from the anime with her Garchomp.

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They did something similar to this with Garchomp in JN114

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oooo finally made a ref for my one garchomp oc

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