Drew my Miqo as a kitten. He was adopted by a Garlean after being abandoned by his tribe because of his blindness.

0 3

Garleans live in my head rent free

1449 2157

"What's going on fails to concern me, cause I'm locked behind my wall. But you know what drives me out...
Out of my mind"

(with 💙)

-Chronicles of the Garlean Prince-

2 10

My garlean general Drossel and his lovely maid Lorendiel. She is devoted to Dross and follow him wherever his next order will be.

7 19

Dont Ask why. I don't know. Thanks Seven for this è_é

2 6

Commission for a patron, Azure Horizon! Thank you so much!

37 122

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓷 𝓡𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓭

Commission for

7 30

This is my Garlean OC Tula!
Thank you for this awesome opportunity!!! Your art is beautiful!

0 1

"Nos sumus manus, Nos sumus deus." - Garlean Empire motto

Amaaaazing commission by the wonderful thank you so much it was such a pleasure to work with you. She looks awesome, I can't say it enough!))

4 19

My old design sketches thread / 2017-2018 gear design contest entries : Caster-Range / Garleans as player race!

181 665

Just for fun, Emet's outfit as... battle classes? Some old nonsense doodles took from my sketchbook, the caster one looks more like Gaia now lol
I'm still curious and want to see more Garlean non-armor designs in game, please SE!

1291 2618

Bonus: AU!Amber where she is half Garlean/Miqo'te. She very much does not care for her Miqo heritage, she obtained a soulstone for RDM by slaying a RDM and stealing his focus / stone and then turned the focus into a Magitek Bit

0 0

PR-074: one of the Empire’s finest.

once G’wakka’s brother, PR-074 (known in small circles as ‘Prota’) is a key experiment in the research of Aether development within the Garlean walls, though remains in the hands of one scientist.

8 43

Noaka Zoaka, former Garlean conscript. Deserted while on patrol in the Black Shroud to avoid being sent to a Castrum as a magitek engineer. Discarded his uniform, faked having been 'mugged' by thieves on the road to Gridania. Once in the city, ran a dozen 'scams' for Gil.

2 11

garlean sweet boyfriend

41 88