I’m not gonna tag any cc’s im pretty sure the author doesn’t want them to see this stuff but yeah... heat waves......✨🌉 |

79 1355

// heat waves , dnf ???

just dreaming about kissing the homies yknow

110 2581

// heatwaves , implied dnf
“This...isn’t real, is it?” / “It is if you want it to be”

inspired by the lovely ‘s writing :)


12 158

cw// dnf, heat waves

“i burn you?”

157 2747

did a screenshot redraw of 's heatwaves animation 👀PLEASE go check em out

14 381

for personal reasons i will be passing away now

212 3868

// vague heat waves
disheveled florida man wakes up on a lagoon in miami after accidentally driving three and a half hours

111 2367

messing with backgrounds. moon jellies.

16 377

// heat waves , dnf

"how did you do that? i've never..."

i finished reading heat waves by @ / tbhyourelame and it was really good :,) i dont actually ship dnf but this was cute

14 497

yo twitter waddup drawing sweat is fun,, also yeah

85 1833

// heatwaves
well. this fic broke me

17 218

probably the worse timing ever but here we are.

222 3640

here you go, some fanart for the shippers LMAO no hate ily guys =))

50 1212

I’ve never speeded da fanart so much

lol this ones for twt peer pressuring me :’)

0 5

//dnf //irlshipping //heatwaves

Uhm.. first time posting dnf...kinda scared yes “:) heat waves ..if you know it :D then you know it..

36 562

// dnf , dreamnotfound

heat waves inspired drawing because ya know brain rot

5 30

// DNF , suggestive

chapter 6 things.

i cant stop drawing fanart for this fanfic i swear to god


28 408

CW // Dnf , heatwaves

So, I drew stuff for heatwaves too
I kinda lost motivation half way through so it looks kinda sucky but whatever:]

2 5

cw dnf heatwaves

the amount of mixed emotions i have for this shit is unbelievable and i didn’t even spend time to make it a full drawing o_o but whatever here you go i guess

206 2558