Matthew Cooke · A highly educated debt-free citizenry is a good use of tax dollars. So is establishing universal healthcare, affordable housing and meaningful jobs.

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Large areas of low density housing close to city locked out of medium density development.

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My inner self whenever I start to build something in !! 🤣💗💗💗
Thank you so much for this piece of art!

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"Solarpunk Housing, Fear and Loathing Ralph Steadman Architectural Rendering of a Residence in the Forest, Pen & Ink, Watercolour; Retro 80s..." - made with

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[M size]

Amaurot_ rest area 🏛

아모로트 컨셉으로 부대집 하우징
타래에 이어서 ~

344 674

It's been happening a lot since 2020, but something from the Scapes/Chevise novel I *did not write* appears in SoHa2 as it did in Westworld: disaster-proofed network-world housing non-physical sentience.
(Axis former, Sublime latter)

Which makes Chevise a Ringo.

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anyone find it’s extra depressing that most of the people freaking are my age and up. God forbid we take anything of the shoulders of our youth. So maybe they can have housing and afford lives !

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This country likes struggle our politicians support supposed boot straps even though there are no boot straps when drowning in debt 💸 can’t afford housing , college , healthcare but we must feed economy profit : over people and America can’t compete with other nations

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I have to say on I am so frustrated with people my age and up ⬆️. Who are helping our younger generation out of debt 💸 swimming and drowning . Between the struggle for housing and jobs when they leave college. I think helping them helps us stay competitive

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Comm this art to as the pfp of my and housing account ( ).... The FT stands for fucking tired because housing is tiring and stressful-

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Love some hippos. Team is always building!


Growing and growing and growing

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"Gorgeous House. Pity that the housing pricing has been ridiculously high the last few decades whether it is in Europe, Canada or the United States and other parts of the world.."

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More pics, FT: magical flower garden exterior.

My client linked me to @/Noroi_Housing's Aquatopia build, so credit to Noroi for that amazing build, of which I took major inspo. 🤍

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this is unironically correct. if SF legalized 10 story apartments by-right throughout the city, SF would meet both the affordable and market rate state housing goals

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My photo studio is now done! Feel free to stop by!
Malboro: Mist - Ward 23 | Plot 48

(More pics in replies)

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