[Himchan]이미 많이 늦어버렸ㅅ지만ㅠㅠㅠ그렇지만!!정말로 생일 축하하고 항상 응원하고 있다는거 잊지말아요!!

11 10

Happy birthday to BAP's 엄마 Himchan! We wish you all the happiness! :)

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[🎂] 16/04/19 : Happy Birthday Himchan!!! 🎉🍜🍩🍦🍔🍕

224 95

[FANART] Happy Birthday to our royal prince in BAP, ~^^

2 3


힘(햄)스터 생일축하해요~~だいすき~~🐹💕

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Instagram Update by Youngjae and Himchan

14 27

<TWITTER> 160312 @ BAP_Himchan: วันนี้ก็เป็นวันที่ดีเหมือนเดิม

36 5

Today was good too

trans cr; woojung @ baptrans ; take out with full credit

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*hides away like Himchan because too shy rn*

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Sorry for being abset (again ><)
{ }
! Please don't repost my art !

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[WEIBO/TRANS] Himchan posted a photo: I'm gonna eat!!! Have a nice day Have a good day 😘---> https://t.co/MDvd5HzD69

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